Open-ended toys, sensory and art materials handpicked with intention to inspire kindness and add magic into your playroom.

Spark Wonder With Locally-Sourced Toys

Our collection of Canadian-made toys are handpicked with intention to promote creativity and encourage your child’s development.

Inspire Kindness With Preloved Books and Toys

Our high-quality, secondhand books and open-ended toys are curated to inspire kindness in your playroom, community and our planet.

Founded by a passionate mom,
Wonder + Kind offers more children the opportunity to play with toys that are good for them, their community, and our planet.

We’re helping parents and caregivers like you shop local, high-quality and sustainable products without the traditional high price point.

Our Mission

Consign With Us!

Ready to sprinkle a little extra wonder + kindness into someone else’s playroom (and make some space in your own)?

Consign your preloved open-ended toys and books with us!

  • Get ready for a nap-time organization session to decide which open-ended toys and books you’d like to pass along to a new home! Email and wait to hear if we’re accepting your goods.

  • Yay, your items are approved! Package up your toys with love to deliver (or ship) to our Ottawa location!

  • Get paid and feel good knowing you’re being kind to yourself, your community, and the earth.